What we do

Don’t leave them behind provide a platform for persons with autism to communicate to a wide audience about their lives on the spectrum and living with Autism on a daily basis. We hope to include many articles by Dads, Mums, Sisters and Brothers covering all aspects of living with ASD.

The team involved in producing Don’t leave them behind are all parents of children and adults with autism and we have specialties in our daily lives in the Digital Marketing and Communications sectors and we hope to bring these skills to make our platform reach out to as many people with autism and stakeholders.

We want to bring our core message to Government and State Bodies which is:
Without real help people with autism will fall so far behind they will never catch-up.


Our members and friends most of whom work in the Media and Advertising industry hope to produce a suite of adverts which will inform parents of children with autism on a number of key issues. Early Diagnosis – spotting the signs of autism and seeking help early. Mental Health – we maintain that over 50% of people with ASD suffer mental health issues and we want to produce a series of adverts advising them that they are not alone. We will also run information adverts of new development in ASD.


We intend to develop our online presence across all digital media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn etc which will give instant news and update on what is happening in the ASD space and we will establish a global community of people interested in ensuring that no person with autism is ever left behind.


Working with our user base we will develop bespoke social stories for persons with ASD. Social Stories are short description of a particular situation, event or activity which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why.


Don’t Leave Them Behind will be working on a number of key promotions to highlight the needs of persons with autism. We will create imaginative flyers, poster displays and press packs to target key influencers and stakeholders. We will use our expertise online to post and distribute our material and promote our activity on our social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We also intend to talk and campaign among the marketing industry to get them to look at how they communicate to persons with ASD and to change some of their promotions to include our community.

 We are mobilising people to demand that people with autism are not left behind and that services and supports are significantly increased.

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