We are delighted to bring our new Talent Acquisition Service to our platform which will work with employers and organisations who are finding it difficult to source talent in the Healthcare and Disability Sectors .
Working with our strong subscriber base we will be responding to the demand from our many members and groups on the platform who are seeking an independent Human Resources agency that can advise on the best career options available and on how to secure the strongest possible packages based on your skill sets .
Don’t leave them behind has created a strong advocacy platform which has allowed the platform to take up issues and failures by various Government Bodies and State Organisations.
Our platform receives no funding from the State whatsoever and this allows us to be THE independent voice for people with disabilities, their families and carers .
Our new Talent Service will address the acute talent shortages in the disability and healthcare sectors ,this talent shortage is impacting significantly on people with disabilities with a major reduction in services and supports .
If you are looking to source talent and fill vacancies today contact cat@talentireland.ie and we will take it from there for you .