A No vote is vital for carers and people with disabilities

A No vote is vital for carers and people with disabilities

Proposed Referendum Article 42.B fails to enshrine a unequivocall commitment by the Government for the provision of care by the Government and attempts to pass on the provision of care to families exclusively -this Referendum is an opportunity for people with disabilities and carers to demonstrate that we have had enough of the failure of the State to provide equal support and services for people with disabilities and carers and No vote will ensure that the Government will have to take it’s responsibilities seriously .

Carers ignored ( Yet Again ) as  Government rule out COVID bonus

Carers ignored ( Yet Again ) as Government rule out COVID bonus

We have 5 Minister with Disability in their Job descriptions yet this Government have decided to ignore carers and people with disabilities when awarding a COVID 19 bonus .Carers and people with disabilities abandoned by Government throughout the COVID pandemic worked 24/7 -365 days a year without a break yet this cruel Government offer them a Bank Holiday which the can’t take.

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