HSE downgrade Case Manager role as a result of HSE Recruitment Failures

HSE downgrade Case Manager role as a result of HSE Recruitment Failures

The HSE have created a service review merry go round for clients with autism who are approved for the appointment of a Case Manager sine 2021 by instructing day care services staff to carry out reviews of their service needs while the HSE fail to hire Case Managers as a direct result of their struggling HR system resulting in no appropriate interventions and service provision taking place .

Carer Breakdown -The New Pandemic

Carer Breakdown -The New Pandemic

Some startling facts and figures around carers and the cost of caring interns of health impacts ,physical burden, emotional burn0out loss of opportunity and financial loss. Expectations on carers continue to grow with 7 in 10 carers doing much more as a result of the...
Autism Committee commences work programme

Autism Committee commences work programme

The Joint Committee on Autism has started to look at issues as they relate to people with autism and their families .The matters that the committee is looking at relate to the services and support provided by the State for autistic people and the committee is to...

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